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Keith Bishop, in his novel “Slop”, has given the “pigs” of today their own platform. As you read the book you’ll keep thinking “Animal Farm goes feral.”  The pigs have left the farm and are they pissed off!

Beginning with vivid imagery from the Dust Bowl of the ‘30’s, we fast forward to our own physical and moral “dust bowl” in the present. Politicians, traders, our neighbors, even the occasional washed-up rock and roll star, they all appear to possess no semblance of tolerance. Bishop is able to develop a cadre of characters that feel very real and evoke very strong emotions in the reader. Suffice it to say, you’ll never be able to listen to “Cat Scratch Fever” again…

Then there’s the “real” pigs; wild boars who have decided to take up “tusks” against their human enemies. This element of the book takes many fascinating twists and provides some rather graphic scenes for the reader. Based, in part, on actual encounters between boar and human, “Slop” gives one pause when it comes to the potential situations that might arise as the boars’ habitat dwindles.

“Slop” is a well written, well thought out, and very revealing look at our global situation. Although it is based in Texas, Bishop is able to provide an insightful perspective on many facets of our present day condition. Dealing with topics as far ranging as homophobia, xenophobia, human greed and lust, global warming, marijuana laws, dumbass rock stars, it’s all in here. Any reader will find topics that will pique their interest and hold them spellbound as the plot unwinds.

One could very well conclude after reading “Slop” that the pigs that are threatening our safety could be closer to home than you realize….

​Greg Mullins


Wow. Overall, it is a very entertaining book. Good characters (I especially liked Rafi, Mitch, Lance & Kenny). The Rick Perry press conference is awesome. Very descriptive writing is a hallmark of the book, contributing the desire to keep reading.


When you are writing a novel it should be interesting, thought-provoking and entertaining. You accomplished that. Nice work.

Bill Moore


Slop is a great read! The core story is very intense - a tale from which I wanted to look away, but couldn't - bathed in what ultimately is a discussion of the myriad of hot topics we face as a society, both culturally and individually."

John Tracy




"SLOP is a sharply stimulating and rousing allegory on societal perspectives around strong topic laden opinions that resonate through our ever-changing world. A well crafted story with strong characters; Bishop gives up more witty food for our hunger with SLOP."


CA Chris




This is such a great book for so many reasons. I'll list a few: First, it's very creative and out of the norm. Second, it's so entertaining, at times hilarious (like when Ted Nugent is eaten by wild boars) and then terrifying (like when Ted Nugent is eaten by wild boars!!!). Through-out the story it's topical and thought provoking. The views and politics will slap you in the face - the exreme extremes. I believe these extremes serve a purpose no matter where your beliefs fall in today's politics. As soon as I finished the book, I started reading it again - it's one you don't want to end. Buy it, read it and join the conversation!!!


Wilma Pyette




"SLOP is a really great book. This work really ilustrates well the allegory of the boar nation and politics today. The symbolic storyline with its entertaining plot and the specific discussions of many of the political issues accentuate this good read. The author also really weaves his knowledge of the fianancial trading and risk management nicely into the mix. Aside from a minor lack of following through completely on speculating what a post-SLOP would look like, this book really is worth reading. 4.5 stars out of 5. 


Michael Gradman



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